SPLOST - Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax
Your Pennies Make A Difference
WHAT: SPLOST Referendum
WHO: Bulloch County Residents
WHEN: Tuesday, March 18, 2025
TIME: 7:00am – 7:00pm
WHERE: Your voting precinct
HOW: Elections and Voter Registration site

Bulloch County voters will have the opportunity to vote on the SPLOST referendum on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 from 7:00am to 7:00pm at their designated voting precinct. Early voting will be available Monday through Friday, from 8:00am and 5:00pm beginning February 24 and ending March 14, 2025, at the Election Office at the Bulloch County Annex. Additionally, weekend voting will be available on Saturday, March 1 and Saturday, March 8 from 9:00am to 5:00pm. Voters can request absentee ballots online at https://mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/ or by emailing absentee@bullochcounty.net.
The Chamber's Position Statement
For the past 36 years, Bulloch County residents have benefited from investments in infrastructure and capital projects thanks to the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax, or SPLOST.
The Chamber board believes SPLOST is a fiscally responsible way to generate capital funds, since visitors to Bulloch County contribute to this sales tax collection. Without SPLOST, a substantial increase in property taxes is the most likely alternative.
On March 18, voters in Bulloch County will be asked to endorse a new $138,000,000, six-year SPLOST. In endorsing the continuation of the county’s existing one penny special local option sales tax, the Chamber anticipates projects financed by the tax will support the county’s increased infrastructure needs, continued public safety support, a growing economy, and an enhanced quality of life desired by residents.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is SPLOST?
SPLOST stands for Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax. SPLOST is a county-wide, voter-approved one-cent sales tax that local governments use to fund specific capital projects. Our state government allows counties to levy sales taxes for local government and school funding.
Who pays for SPLOST?
SPLOST is different from a property tax. Property taxes are paid only by people who own property in Bulloch County. SPLOST, however, is paid by everyone who shops and dines in Bulloch County, no matter where they live. Right now, Bulloch County collects eight percent sales tax every time a purchase is made at a store or restaurant in Bulloch County. Of that eight percent, Four percent goes to the state of Georgia. 1 percent goes toward SPLOST, the special purpose local option sales tax, 1 percent goes to ESPLOST, the Education Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax for special school board projects, 1 percent goes to LOST, the Local Option Sales Tax for the school board’s general fund expenditures, and the final one percent goes to toward TSPLOST, the Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax for transportation projects.
How much money is collected from SPLOST?
Bulloch County and the municipalities of Statesboro, Brooklet, Portal, and Register will split up the 2025 SPLOST proceeds based on their population size. The 2025 SPLOST is projected to generate roughly $138,000,000 in revenue for Bulloch County over six years. Of that 138 million, the City of Statesboro is expected to receive around $31,912,020.
Since SPLOST was first approved by Bulloch County voters in 1989, the City of Statesboro has used SPLOST to fund various projects and purchases. From park renovations and beautification projects that have greatly improved the quality of life for our residents to public safety purchases that keep the community safe and secure, the impact of SPLOST dollars in Statesboro is substantial. While the City of Statesboro doesn’t rely on these funds to balance its budget or provide essential services to residents, the revenue received from SPLOST enables the City to make an even more significant impact in the community. Just take a quick drive around the city limits, and you’ll find numerous examples of Bulloch County SPLOST at work.